Wang wins $453M NASA network deal

Lockheed Martin Space Operations Co. has awarded Wang Government Services a contract worth $453 million over 10 years to provide widearea network data distribution services to NASA as a subcontractor on the Consolidated Space Operations Contract (CSOC).

Lockheed Martin Space Operations Co. has awarded Wang Government Services a contract worth $453 million over 10 years to provide wide-area network data distribution services to NASA as a subcontractor on the Consolidated Space Operations Contract (CSOC).

The contract calls for Wang to consolidate NASA's WANs for its four strategic enterprises: Space Science; Mission to Planet Earth; Human Exploration; and Development of Space and Aeronautics and Space Transportation. CSOC is a $3.4 billion contract that calls for Lockheed to manage the space agency's entire space operation infrastructure.

Wang plans to manage NASA's networks by consolidating them into one managed network, according to company officials.

The Lockheed Martin CSOC team will manage all of NASA's data collection, telemetry and communications operations supporting Earth-orbiting satellites, planetary exploration and human space flight activities. The contract shifts management responsibility from five NASA centers to a single entity.