VBA taps two for training support

The Veterans Benefits Administration has awarded blanket purchase agreements to Computer Sciences Corp. and Interactive Media Corp. to support its information technologybased training programs, a Department of Veterans Affairs official said this week.

The Veterans Benefits Administration has awarded blanket purchase agreements to Computer Sciences Corp. and Interactive Media Corp. to support its information technology-based training programs, a Department of Veterans Affairs official said this week.

The VBA is responsible for the administration of nonmedical benefits programs such as compensation, pension and insurance.

The BPAs—awarded under the VA's Training and Performance Support Systems program and potentially worth $35 million over the next five years—allow CSC or Interactive Media to train the VBA to use its IT-based instructional systems, which include computer-based programs for learning medical terminology as well as systems used for long-distance training over computer networks.

Also under the agreement, the companies may design, develop and install new computer systems for training VBA workers.