EDS joins health, local operations

Electronic Data Systems Corp. this week lumped together its state and local government operations with its health care programs, forming a new group dubbed State Business.

Electronic Data Systems Corp. this week lumped together its state and local government operations with its health care programs, forming a new group dubbed State Business.

"Here in the government business units, we are trying to do many of the same things that are being done on a corporate level -- namely, eliminating layers and getting our operations more customer-focused," EDS spokesman Randy Dove said.

The shuffling was part of a larger reorganization, which occurred as the Plano, Texas-based company tried to jump-start its work in the electronic commerce and business markets by forming a new "growth engine" called E-Business Solutions.

Heading up State Business will be Kim McMann, former president of EDS' state health care business unit.

Meanwhile, IBM Global Government Industry named Marianne Cooper vice president of state and local government marketing. Cooper most recently was responsible for state and local government marketing in IBM's northeastern accounts.