New Web site to help agencies go electronic

The General Services Administration plans to launch a World Wide Web site that will serve as a onestop shopping site to help agencies migrate to an electronic environment.

The General Services Administration plans to launch a World Wide Web site that will serve as a one-stop shopping site to help agencies migrate to an electronic environment.

Called eAgency, the site will present an overview of relevant agency documents and principles that cut across topics such as policy, technology and management. The effort is intended to make it easier for agencies to find the information they need to transition to an electronic environment, said Rich Kellett, director of GSA's Emerging IT Policies Division.

The site was developed with the Government Paperwork Elimination Act in mind. The law requires all agencies to provide the public with the option of submitting government forms electronically whenever possible by October 2003.

The eAgency site also will serve as a gateway to electronic buying and selling sites and resources on the Internet. For example, an Agency Mall gateway will link to sites such as GSA Advantage to help agencies find the products and services they need, and a GovMall gateway will help the public find products offered for sale by the government. Meanwhile, a Public Mall site will provide information and resources to the public on how the government buys goods and services.

The eAgency site is a work in progress, Kellett said. GSA has posted a home page for the concept at