U.S. DOT Opens FY 2000 Anti-Sprawl Funding Program

The U.S. Transportation Department this week opened its fiscal 2000 funding rounds for the Transportation and Community and System Preservation Program to help local governments fight urban sprawl.

The U.S. Transportation Department this week opened its fiscal 2000 funding rounds for the Transportation and Community and System Preservation Program to help local governments fight urban sprawl.

Designated as a cornerstone of the Clinton administration's livability agenda, this year's "smart growth" grant program was kicked off in Denver at a Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) conference attended by more than 100 communities. Information on the program is available at www.fhwa.dot.gov.

Last year, FHWA funded 35 projects in 28 states, distributing about $13.1 million in funds. The grant program was established under the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century.