Feds working on Y2K will get to carry over leave

The Office of Personnel Management has made it easier for government employees who must stay on the job until the Year 2000 problem is fixed to carry over annual leave days that they cannot use this year.

The Office of Personnel Management has made it easier for government employees who must stay on the job until the Year 2000 problem is fixed to carry over annual leave days that they cannot use this year.

Normally, an employee in this situation would have to schedule and then cancel annual leave to be able to use it at a later time. OPM said in a final rule published in the Federal Register on Wednesday that employees and agencies will no longer have to go through this administrative hassle.

"When there is no possibility that an employee can be away from the workplace, we believe requiring efforts to schedule and cancel leave flies in the face of OPM's commitment to provide agencies with the human resources management tools they need to address Y2K computer conversion problems," OPM said in the rule.