New York launches online permit database.

New York Gov. George Pataki last week announced the launch of an online permit database, designed to provide the state's business community with a onestop resource for permit needs and questions.

New York Gov. George Pataki last week announced the launch of an online permit database, designed to provide the state's business community with a "one-stop" resource for permit needs and questions.

The new World Wide Web site,, enables users to access more than 1,000 permit types and develop their own customized permit packages. The Governor's Office of Regulatory Reform's Permit Assistance Team receives more than 75,000 phone calls each year regarding business permits in the state. Now that information, including data on 167 different business types from video stores to bed-and-breakfasts to pet-sitting services, is available on the site.

"By using technology and the Internet, we can instantly place important information into the hands of entrepreneurs and business owners to help them succeed, grow and provide more jobs for New Yorkers," Pataki said.