NTIA official to play key role in critical infrastructure protection

Gregory Rohde, assistant secretary of Commerce and administrator of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, will act as the Clinton administration's point person on protecting the country's communications and information systems from attack.

Gregory Rohde, assistant secretary of Commerce and administrator of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, will act as the Clinton administration's point person on protecting the country's communications and information systems from attack.

Commerce secretary William Daley tapped Rohde as the sector liaison official for the communications and information sector. Rohde will work with industry to ensure that the country's information and communications systems—and the data that is transmitted and stored on those systems—are adequately protected from physical attacks and cyberattacks.

Last year, President Clinton signed Presidential Decision Directive 63, which requires agencies to protect their critical information systems and infrastructures against cyberattacks. It also established the Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office and the National Infrastructure Protection Center to aid in this effort.