Colorado online campus achieves record enrollment

Money for school technology would double, community centers could tap into federal technology discounts and a national corps of volunteers would fight the "digital divide" under a plan announced Monday by a Maryland senator.

Online learning, begun as a small experiment four years ago, has blossomed into an important part of the curriculum at the University of Colorado at Denver.

The university has received more than 1,200 student enrollments across 60 courses for the Spring 2000 semester, easily marking the school's largest online student body, school officials said last week. The program started in 1996 with four students taking one course.

"This shows that our students are embracing the convenience and flexibility online courses offer," said Patty Godbey, interim director of CU Online Denver in a release. "As an urban campus with nontraditional students, the opportunity to take classes online is greatly appreciated."

Courses covering a variety of subjects from social psychology to advance Java programming are offered through the online curriculum and registration for the courses will continue until Feb. 2, at