Pennsylvania Gets Federal Approval for Work Force Plan

The Labor Department last week authorized Pennsylvania to begin its five-year work force plan, which includes attracting and retaining skilled workers for the commonwealth's technology companies.

The Labor Department last week authorized Pennsylvania to begin its five-year work force plan, which includes attracting and retaining skilled workers for the commonwealth's technology companies.

Pennsylvania's Labor and Industry Secretary Johnny Butler announced the authorization and said the plan ( will go into effect immediately, six months ahead of the deadline established by the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998.

"The most important factor affecting the success of Pennsylvania in attracting and retaining knowledge-intensive companies is talent," Butler said in a statement. "So it is extremely important that the private and public sector work together to attract, develop and retain skilled workers for our high-technology future."

Work force development services are delivered through the Team Pennsylvania CareerLink (, a "one-stop" system developed by Gov. Tom Ridge's administration to link commonwealth workers with jobs and help Pennsylvania employers find potential employees.