CIO Council details e-gov agenda

The Federal CIO Council plans to immediately tackle a detailed list of digital government initiatives, many of which are intergovernmental.

The Federal CIO Council plans to immediately tackle a detailed list of

digital government initiatives, many of which are intergovernmental.

The list is not a long-term agenda or an integrated agenda — "It's merely


listing of things that would get us started," said Jim Flyzik, deputy

assistant secretary for information systems and chief information officer


the Treasury Department.

Flyzik laid out the agenda at the first joint meeting of the Federal CIO

Council and the National Association of State Information Resource

Executives (NASIRE) during last week's Virtual Government 2000


Items on the agenda include:

* Expanding the number of items people can purchase online, such as

government surplus items.

* Consolidating one-stop-shopping portals for key functions such as export

and import activities.

* Publishing annual data on the number of hits to the top 1,000 federal,

state and local World Wide Web sites.

* Endorsing the SafeCities Network designed to reduce gun violence.

* Supporting the WebGov project to encourage the use of common navigational

methodologies between federal and state Web sites.

* Working with federal, state and local public safety organizations to

develop an interoperable radio system to allow joint communications

during the 2002 Olympics.