Commerce Secretary Daley kicks off digital divide tour in Harlem

U.S. Commerce Secretary William Daley today begins a 12-city "Closing the Digital Divide" tour at one of the least-connected school districts in the New York City area.

U.S. Commerce Secretary William Daley plans today to began a 12-city "Closing the Digital Divide" tour at one of the least-connected school districts in New York City.

Daley is to travel to the Ralph Bunche School in Harlem, where he will be joined by a number of local political and business leaders who will highlight their efforts to help bridge the gap between the area's technology "haves" and "have-nots."

The digital divide exists between those with access to computers, the Internet and other information technology tools and those without.

Daley announced his plans for the digital divide tour at a recent address outlining his department's electronic commerce initiatives and goals. He has yet to announce the remaining 11 cities on the tour. For a related story, click here.