Government seeks public feedback on e-commerce barriers

Commerce wants to know what laws should change to help grow ebusiness

The Commerce Department on Tuesday asked for public comment on policies, laws or regulations that pose barriers to the growth of electronic commerce and electronic services.

Clinton last November asked the Government Working Group on Electronic Commerce to identify barriers to the growth of e-commerce and recommend changes to any laws or regulations. Clinton asked that a subgroup led by Commerce seek public comment as part of its effort. The review does not cover transactions between the public and the government.

Some of the questions the working group is asking the public, according to Tuesday's Federal Register notice, include:

    * Are there particular federal laws or regulations that should be modified on a priority basis because they currently inhibit e-commerce that is otherwise ready to take place?

    * Have you encountered impediments to e-commerce that stem from a lack of uniformity in such requirements, standards, codes, or other policies among state or local governments or between them and the federal government?

For more information contact Kenneth Clark at Comments will be posted at