Miss. Teachers to get Online Training Tool

Mississippi's Education Department has selected Classroom Connect's Connected University as its online professional development program for educators.

Mississippi's Education Department has selected Classroom Connect's Connected

University as its online professional development program for educators.

The program will enable the state's teachers and educational staff to

improve their Internet skills through a variety of online courses.

About 45 elementary schools in the state will receive the Foster City,

Calif.-based company's Connected University program as part of the Mississippi

Technology Literacy Subgrants. Those grants help to integrate technology

in the classroom.

Classroom Connect offers an online curriculum that helps educate teachers

on how to use the Internet in their classroom and links them to educational

resources on the Internet.

"Our goal is to ensure that we provide teachers with the latest tools to

help keep them up to speed with cutting-edge technology initiatives and

Internet advances," said Betty Lou Pigg, technology professional development

coordinator at Mississippi's Education Department.

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