GAO: IT may save or sour U.S. economy
GAO paints a grim portrait of the future, but says information technology could provide solutions ? or compound the problem
There's a budget surplus, the economy is strong, unemployment is low, the
nation is at peace. But as the General Accounting Office sees it, the future
looks grim.
The forces able to destroy today's prosperity already are on the horizon,
said David Walker, comptroller general of the United States. There's globalization,
which makes the U.S. economy increasingly vulnerable to other nations' economic
troubles. There's a "demographic tidal wave" that threatens to swamp the
economy with retirees who want more government services. There are diverse
national security threats. And there is expensive, inefficient government
Information technology offers some hope of heading off disaster. Used properly,
it could be "an effective tool for high-quality, cost-effective government
services. Information technology is at the heart of improving accountability
and performance" in government, he said.
But technology poses some dangers itself, Walker said. Increased computer
use means "significant new information security and privacy threats," he
A GAO audit shows that most large agencies have "significant computer security
weaknesses." From defense to tax collection to air traffic control, government
computer systems are at risk for disruption, he said. And the privacy of
medical records, credit histories and other personal data also is in jeopardy.
Besides security risks, government computer systems pose massive financial
risks. The federal government spends $38 billion a year on IT, and "for
years, federal agencies have struggled with delivering promised system capabilities
on time and within budget," Walker said. Improved management and accountability
for large-scale IT programs is essential, he said.
The current period of peace and prosperity provides Congress a rare opportunity
to try to improve government performance, Walker said. He urged senators
to undertake a comprehensive reassessment of what government does and to
study whether programs are still relevant to what Americans want, need and
can afford.
NEXT STORY: Two bills push broadband access