Ohio governor sees bright future

Taft says the state's technology investments have prepared it well to weather the new millennium

Ohio Gov. Bob Taft said the creation of the state technology board, increased

technology spending and the establishment of a center to foster innovation

have positioned the state well for the future.

Taft made the comments last week at the TechKnow Business and Technology

Expo, which featured exhibits and seminars from some of the state's leading

businesses and technology companies.

"The Technology Action Board's strategic science and technology plan,

along with the leadership of the business, research and education communities,

has ensured Ohio a balanced, but motivated, technology growth future," Taft

said, also praising the Edison Centers for information technology.

The Edison Centers partner industry with academia and government to

strengthen industrial competitiveness through technological innovation.

Each of the centers offers capabilities in specific technologies, including:

advanced manufacturing, polymers, materials and processes, welding and materials

joining, biotechnology, and environmental.

Taft also said the state will devote nearly $500 million from the tobacco

settlement over the next 12 years for biomedical research and technology

transfer, in a move that will help create 50,000 technology jobs in Ohio

in the next decade.