Pa. Project to Overhaul Policing

The Pennsylvania State Police has selected Lockheed Martin Corp. to serve as the systems integrator for a program that will incorporate computers into every facet of the commonwealth's crime-fighting efforts.

The Pennsylvania State Police has selected Lockheed Martin Corp. to serve

as the systems integrator for a program that will incorporate computers

into every facet of the commonwealth's crime-fighting efforts.

Lockheed Martin will be the systems integrator for the Criminal Investigative/Traffic

Safety Incident Information Management System (IIMS).

The project has been in development for several years and received

$8 million in initial funding from Gov. Tom Ridge in the fiscal 1999 budget.

Ridge has proposed $17.6 million in the fiscal 2000-2001 budget for IIMS,

which would pay for installing computers in all patrol vehicles, obtaining

bar-coding technology for processing evidence, and using computer-aided

dispatching and geographic information systems.

As systems integrator, Lockheed Martin will be responsible for the design,

development and implementation of the system, incorporating consortium members,

subcontractors and vendors.

NEXT STORY: Export system in overdrive