Exabyte rounds out library line

Exabyte Corp. is shipping the final product in its line of Mammoth2 (M2) tape libraries.

Exabyte Corp. is shipping the final product in its line of Mammoth-2 (M2)

tape libraries.

The M2 220, available now, can store up to 1.2 terabytes of data (3

terabytes with compression) with a transfer rate of 86.4 gigabytes per hour.

The 220 is rack-mountable and offers multiple configurations, removable

magazines and field replaceable drives. It is used by the Air Force, the

Internal Revenue Service and the Federal Aviation Administration, said Tom

Adams, manager of government sales at Exabyte.

Exabyte products are also used by the departments of Defense, Transportation,

and others, and the completion of the M2 line should serve to increase the

company's reach in the federal space, said Peri Grover, senior product marketing

manager for automation at Exabyte.

"Our libraries are pretty well entrenched in the government marketplace,

but the capacity M2 brings finally gives agencies the capacity performance

in automation solutions," Grover said. "The smallest M2 can still hold 1

terabyte of data and puts [users] on the growth path to 30 terabytes. And

some government agencies need three or four 30 [terabyte] solutions."

The M2 product line ranges from one to 10 drives and from seven to 200

tape cartridges. Exabyte is offering 30-day, no-risk evaluations of its

M2 library family. The M2 220 lists for $15,999.

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