Ariz. city posts liquor license info online

Glendale wanted to end confusion by citizens about how liquor licenses were awarded, giving them more information on the process

In an effort to end confusion by people unfamiliar with the liquor license process, Glendale, Ariz., is placing information about pending liquor licenses online.

Glendale city councilors wanted to post liquor license information online because they heard that many citizens thought the council made the final decision on issuing licenses.

"Many residents would come to city council meetings and try to get the council to stop pending applications when, in fact, [the council] cannot," said Jerry McCoy, communications manager for the city. The council can only make recommendations to the state, which the state can accept or reject.

Glendale is the state's fourth largest city with a population of about 210,000.

At the city's World Wide Web site (, citizens can click on Finance/Tax & License and see all pending licenses divided by council districts. Residents also can view scanned versions of applications.

The site also provides information on the different types of licenses, qualifications required by the state to receive a license and the proper way citizens can voice their support or disapproval of a license.

The electronic government application is only the city's second application online. Citizens can request services via the site, such as fixing streetlights and potholes. Future programs include registering for recreation classes, renewing and reserving library books, and applying for city jobs online.

The city also has a "cybercouncil" that enables citizens to find information about their city councilor and district by either clicking on a map or the picture of their councilor.