Missouri e-bidding system finished

The site allows vendors to submit bids and attachments for selected solicitations online

Vendors wanting to bid on Missouri state contracts can now do so online.

After signing up at the Division of Purchasing and Materials Management, vendors can indicate the types of products and services they provide. When bidding opportunities that meet those criteria become available, the companies are notified by e-mail.

The site then allows vendors to submit bids and attachments for selected solicitations online. The site will also keep updates on the bidding process so that vendors can easily follow along.

The new system aims to reduce administrative time in the purchasing office by processing bids faster and save on postage and printing costs with electronic notification. By making the process electronic, the office can also keep better records of bid responses, evaluations and awards as well as stay in constant contact with vendors via the site.

The system, which is tied into the statewide financial management system, was built in partnership with American Management Systems Inc.