Technology still tops Commerce agenda

The new Commerce Department secretary, Norman Mineta, said he plans to keep promoting ecommerce and bridging the digital divide

Norman Mineta, who on Thursday was confirmed by the Senate as the new Commerce

Department secretary, said he plans to keep technology issues at the top

of the department's agenda.

Promoting e-commerce and bridging the digital divide will be among the

issues on which Mineta said he plans to focus his attention.

During the six months left until the next administration comes in, Mineta

said he also plans to invest in the country's future. This includes "making

sure we have the technology and policies to fuel the new economy," Mineta

said at his confirmation hearing. "Across Commerce, people are doing crucial

work on R&D, technology diffusion and infrastructure modernization.

I intend to see that this work stays in high gear and on track.


most recently was vice president of special business initiatives at Lockheed Martin

Corp. He is also a former member of the House of Representatives.

NEXT STORY: Digging for Web data