Govolution goes after local market

Govolution, which has several federal clients, is hoping its new advisory board will help the company branch out into the state and local government arenas

Govolution, an application service provider that specializes in online transaction services for government, has formed an advisory board that includes public- and private-sector heavyweights.

With many federal clients already on board, Govolution is hoping the new advisory board, announced Monday, will help the company branch out into the state and local government arenas, said Jonathan Prince, Govolution's chairman and chief executive officer.

Julian Bond, chairman of the board of directors of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and William Kristol, editor and publisher of the Weekly Standard, will lead the advisory board. Members include:

* James Rubin, former assistant secretary and spokesperson for the State Department.

* Emanuel Cleaver, former mayor of Kansas City, Mo.

* William O'Farrell, CEO of and chairman of SpeechWorks International.

Govolution integrates its RapidRelay technology into existing government Web sites to provide citizens and businesses with online payment capabilities for items ranging from building permits and business licenses to property taxes and license renewals.

The ASP system is financed through license fees and exceeds standards set by the Treasury Department for security, privacy and reliability, Prince said.

"We have really the only proven transaction technology in the government space, and we've being doing it for three years now," Prince said. "That distinguishes us from the other folks out there and reduces risks for government customers."

Prince said Govolution is in contract negotiations with a number of local government customers, but would not name any specifics until the government clients are ready.

The Washington, D.C.-based company's federal clients include the departments of Education, Defense, Justice and Interior, the U.S. Census Bureau and the Federal Communications Commission.

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