U-Match mouse makes biometrics easy

The UMatch BioLink Mouse features a fingerprint scanner built right into the left side of the unit, making biometrics easy to use

With the increasing popularity of biometric security systems, vendors are

looking for ways to make the technology easier to use. The U-Match BioLink

Mouse from BioLink Technologies International Inc. takes things a step further,

making its fingerprint scanner hard to avoid.

The BioLink Mouse features a fingerprint scanner built into the left side

of the unit, where a right-handed user's thumb rests. Once a user account

is set up, logging in requires no extra steps or motions because a user's

hand is on the mouse.

Like other fingerprint scanners, the BioLink Mouse uses the image to generate

a unique data series that it turns into a file that the company calls a

"passport." Fingerprints are compared and identified based on this passport,

and a fingerprint image cannot be reconstructed from it. For maximum accuracy

and security, the mouse captures a 140K image with 500 dots-per-inch resolution.

The system is compatible with Microsoft Corp.'s Windows 95 (OSR 2.5), Windows

98 and Windows NT 4.0. It works with networked computers and stand-alone

PCs. We tested the system on a stand-alone workstation running Windows NT


Installing the BioLink mouse was easy. The hard-copy guide describing software

installation is clear, and a wizard takes users through the short process

step by step.

The BioLink Authentication System software integrates with the Windows NT

User Manager, adding a "BioLink" menu item to the User Manager window. Through

this menu item, administrators can access the BioLink Log-on Manager, a

window that lists all registered BioLink users.

From the BioLink Log-on Manager, administrators can add and delete users

as well as register a new fingerprint for an existing user (only one fingerprint

per user can be registered at time). A simple wizard guides the user registration

process. The system must capture three good fingerprint images, and we had

no trouble at all with this process.

A user's account can be set to allow password log-on as an alternative to

fingerprint log-on, but it cannot be set to require both a password and

a fingerprint like other biometric products we've seen.

When a BioLink user is logged in to the machine with a fingerprint, only

that user's fingerprint can unlock a locked workstation. Also, if the computer

is set to use a password-protected screen saver, the user's fingerprint

is required to gain access.

Those functions work a little differently with Windows NT than with Windows

95/98 because the latter operating system does not have a workstation lock


Our biggest beef with the system is the lack of a user's guide for the Windows

NT version. Even though an option on the CD-ROM's menu says, "Install BioLink

Guides," there was only one user's guide available, and it took a call to

the company's technical support to figure out it was the Windows 95/98 version


However, a BioLink Technologies representative told us that in a few weeks

the company will ship a completely different software package with the BioLink

Mouse. The new version will include additional features such as file and

folder encryption.

One other possible snag for some users: There is no left-handed version

of the BioLink Mouse. If a user is left-handed or has a missing or injured

right thumb, he or she can still use the BioLink Mouse by registering a

different finger, but the angle is awkward.

Still, for a suggested retail price of $129, the U-Match BioLink Mouse combines

the excellent security of biometrics with a lot of convenience for most

users. The next version will include more functionality and, we hope, better



U-Match BioLink Mouse

Score: B+

BioLink Technologies International Inc.

800) 611-1555


Price and availability: The U-Match BioLink Mouse is available for a suggestedretail price of $129.

Remarks: The BioLink mouse is easy to use and extremely convenient becauseit integrates biometric functionality into equipment that all computer usersare familiar with. This version doesn't include many bells and whistles,but the price is right. We hope the next version includes more thoroughdocumentation.

FCW's biometrics briefings and reviews