Congress leaves tech issues on ice

Congress soon will hit the campaign trail, leaving behind several brewing IT issues.

Congress soon will hit the campaign trail, leaving behind several brewing IT issues.

Among this Congress' tech-friendly accomplishments is the law President Clinton signed last week that will increase the number of skilled technical workers allowed into the United States under the H-1B visa program.

And earlier this month, Congress and Clinton passed the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (E-Sign), ushering in the use of digital signatures.

But several high-profile issues have been left sitting on the table for lawmakers returning in January:

    * Internet taxation. The current ban on new taxes expires next year. Despite efforts by the Advisory Commission on Electronic Commerce, no political consensus has been reached.

    * Internet privacy. Consumers are worried about online security, and some vendors are warming to the idea of new laws. Several bills are pending.

    * Tech training tax break. A bill seeking credits for corporations to build up the sagging tech workforce remains stalled.

    * Research and development tax credit. The current corporate break lasts only for a five-year period.

    * Tech education initiatives. The New Millennium Classrooms Act supported by industry would put more technical resources in schools. This bill passed the Senate.

Nancy Weil, a correspondent for the IDG News Service, contributed to this report.

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