Air Force info ops joins command

The Air Force's Air Intelligence Agency officially has become part of the Air Combat Command

The Air Force's Air Intelligence Agency officially became part of the Air Combat Command on Feb. 1. The move integrates information operations with the command's traditional role of providing air power.

"This is a natural evolution. It's an idea whose time has come," Gen. John Jumper, commander of the Air Combat Command, said in a report on the Air Force Web site. "This integrates our information warfare skills and talents into the normal tactical and operational level of war, just as we do fighters, bombers and others."

The realignment places the 67th Information Operations Wing and 690th Information Operations Group at Kelly Air Force Base, Texas, and the 70th Intelligence Wing at Fort Meade, Md., directly under Air Combat Command's 8th Air Force headquarters at Barksdale Air Force Base, La.

The Air Intelligence Agency's (AIA's) three centers — the National Air Intelligence Center, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio; the Air Force Information Warfare Center at Kelly AFB; and the Air Force Technical Applications Center, Patrick Air Force Base, Fla. — will continue to be aligned under the Air Force Intelligence Agency.

The change results from the service's recognition of the critical importance of the information operations mission, according to Maj. Gen. Bruce Wright, Air Intelligence Agency commander.

Wright will remain at Kelly AFB as the commander of both AIA and the Joint Information Operations Center, but will now assume the added responsibility as the 8th Air Force deputy commander for information operations.

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