adds service to its GSA schedule

Now knowledge management solutions from Hyperwave are available.

To add knowledge management services to its government portfolio, Corp. this week added Hyperwave Information Management Inc. to its General Services Administration schedule.

Hyperwave's Information Server serves as a platform for developing intranet and extranet knowledge-sharing applications. It features advanced security, document management and can be accessible from any browser or desktop. The Boston-based company's information portal is an out-of-the-box solution.

Hyperwave's current government customers include the Defense Department, while has a much larger federal customer base, including DOD, the Internal Revenue Service, GSA and more.

"Federal agencies have a clearly demonstrated need for our knowledge management and corporate portal solutions.... has strong, established relationships with these organizations," said Tim Kounadis, vice president of North America marketing for Hyperwave.

NEXT STORY: Money in hand for customs makeover