GTSI aligns with Clarinet

Clarinet's wireless networking solutions for handhelds are now available via GTSI contracts

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A new alliance between Clarinet Systems Inc. and government reseller GTSI Corp. offers government agencies an option when they're shopping for wireless networking solutions for handheld devices.

Clarinet solutions are now available through GTSI's National Institutes of Health Electronic Computer Store and NASA Scientific and Engineering Workstation Procurement contracts.

Clarinet's EthIR LAN wireless access systems connect handheld devices and PCs to enterprise networks and the Internet via a built-in infrared port. Used for point-to-point communications, infrared is secure and helps to ensure no interference with a customer's existing communication infrastructure, according to the Milpitas, Calif.-based company.

Mark Zelinger, GTSI's vice president of product marketing and vendor relations, said GTSI was interested in an alliance because of the growing mobility of the government workforce. "Wireless connectivity is becoming more critical than ever for staying in touch and productive while on the go," Zelinger said.

Clarinet has worked with the Navy, and the company also has clients in the higher education community, such as the Duke University Medical Center.

NEXT STORY: Starbase launches federal group