Letter to the editor

Computer specialist position unattainable?

This is in reference to a Letter to the Editor March 29, 2001, "Too few IT workers are capable of handling technology."

I am a GS-335-05 computer assistant working at a computer help desk. I have a college degree and am working on another in computer information systems. But I have yet to move up in the past 13 years of my federal career.

My career has been the victim of the "good old boys" club and poor management. I would give anything to be able to get a computer specialist job, but so far, it's not possible.

I watch incompetent computer specialists on a daily basis, and it absolutely amazes me that those people got hired in the first place. But then again, they would rather hire incompetent people instead of people who really want to show what they can do with computers and share their knowledge.

Name withheld upon request


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