FBI doing security review

FBI overview is in parallel to the one being conducted by former FBI Director William Webster

The FBI is conducting an overview of its computer security policies and practices in the wake of spying accusations against Robert Hanssen, according to a senior FBI information technology official.

The FBI is conducting a review of its security practices in parallel to the one being conducted by former FBI Director William Webster, said Mark Tanner, the FBI's information resources manager.

Although there is no indication that Hanssen took advantages of holes in IT security policies or procedures, the review is part of an overall effort to enhance security at the bureau, Tanner said Thursday at Federal Sources Inc.'s annual Outlook conference.

"We just want to make sure that we don't have vulnerabilities that we really cannot afford to have exploited," he said.

Hanssen, 56, a veteran FBI counterintelligence agent, was arrested in February. He is accused of spying for the Russians for 15 years. FBI Director Louis Freeh has appointed Webster to lead a commission that will make recommendations about what steps the FBI should take to prevent similar incidents.

The case presents a good opportunity to review security policies, procedures and practices. Tanner noted that Hanssen had a high degree of access to FBI systems because he had a high-level clearance.

FBI will likely implement new tools to improve internal security, Tanner said. Funds for those efforts are not included in the fiscal 2002 budget, he noted.

Tanner made his comments before the Justice Department announced it had failed to account for more than 3,000 documents related to the Oklahoma City bombing. Published reports have blamed the FBI's antiquated computer systems.

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