Requirements drafted on benefits systems

JFMIP published a draft of proposed requirements for benefits systems last month

In addition to the core plan for revising agency financial-management systems, the Joint Financial Management Improvement Program (JFMIP) published a draft document detailing proposed requirements for benefits systems last month.

The draft is one of a series of documents spelling out requirements for various aspects of federal financial-management systems.

The benefits systems requirements document, which is available for comment until July 15, covers federal financial systems for benefits that are not healthcare- related. Such programs include retirement, disability and other income protection programs, ranging from Social Security to the Thrift Savings Plan.

"The document addresses the goal of the Chief Financial Officers Council and the JFMIP to improve the efficiency and quality of financial management in the federal government," said Karen Cleary Alderman, JFMIP executive director, in the foreword to the draft.

The document is designed to assist agencies when developing new benefit systems and when improving or evaluating existing benefit systems. It defines the baseline functionality that benefit systems must have in order to support agency missions and comply with laws and regulations.

The full document is available online at JFMIP's Web site at

Under the Federal Financial Management Improvement Act of 1996, agencies must produce financial statements that illustrate compliance with federal standards.

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