Letter to the editor

Give entry-level techies a chance

I am retired from the U.S. Air Force. I have just achieved the Cisco Certified Network Administrator certification in May. Previously, I earned Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer, Microsoft Certified Professional, MCP+Internet, A+ and wideband gigahertz certification. I have about one year of on-the-job training at the Department of Veterans Affairs and three years of college experience.

I don't understand how the information technology field can have 500,000 jobs available, but it seems as if there is no rush to recruit people while they are currently in school like the medical field does.

I have just entered the job market by joining a variety of online job searches (Monster.com, thingamajob.com, Net-Temps). The system does seem to want ready-made computer talent and not give entry- and midlevel workers a chance.

As stated in your article, government employees are at an age where they can retire, and it would seem like common sense to invest in new talent. I will continue to plug away at learning and practicing the craft, but I may have to settle for a nontechnical job in two months if nothing comes through.

Ronald Bradshaw


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