Letters to the editor

The cost of contracting

The cost of contracting

I totally agree with letter-writer Kenneth Burke about contracting ["Outsourcing's benefits?"]. I wish the taxpayers knew how most contracting was costing the government in limited services and total money wasted so the actual contractors get rich. There are only some things that need to be contracted, such as construction and one-time specialty items or services.

Dickie Lovett
Army Corps of Engineers

Scanning for slanted coverage

Your July 23 article on optical scanners for voting seems pretty well slanted ["Voting researchers eye optical scans"]. The comment: "...until the Supreme Court intervened and declared George W. Bush the election winner" doesn't portray the facts, only the popular liberal distortion of the facts.

The Supreme Court did not declare Bush the winner. The Florida secretary of state had declared Bush the winner of Florida's electoral votes weeks earlier, and that is what gave President Bush the necessary votes to be president.

Name withheld by request

Editor's Note: On Dec. 12, 2000, the U.S. Supreme Court ordered an end to the Florida recount, leaving George W. Bush the victor in Florida and the winner of enough electoral votes nationwide to become president.


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