The Calvin LaRoche file

Notes on Orkand's new COO

Experience: Joined the Orkand Corp. in May 2000 as senior vice president of corporate development and assumed the role of chief operating officer Sept. 10. Before that, he served as chief executive officer and president of international operations for SkyTel Communications Inc. He began a 25-year career at IBM Corp. as a public-sector account manager, rose to the rank of senior partner in IBM's consulting group and ultimately served as senior director of strategic development.

Hobbies: Golf — he has an 18 handicap, which he'll work on lowering after he retires — and keeping up with his three daughters and two grandchildren.

Quote: "Fundamentally, as a kid I was a shy person," he said, but a job in sales helped him overcome that. "I was not shy about selling, but I didn't like socializing. I was kind of a loner, and I think that would surprise people here."

NEXT STORY: U.S. not ready for terror