Getting information out

A sample of what agencies posted on their Web sites after the Sept. 11 attacks

A sample of what agencies posted on their Web sites after the Sept. 11 attacks:

Air Force: The Air Force posted a site where people can e-mail "stories of common people, performing uncommon acts." It includes a story about employees who helped evacuate children from the child care center adjacent to the Pentagon. (

Social Security Administration: SSA posted information for processing survivors' claims. The site notes that SSA usually requires a statement from a disinterested party about what happened to the deceased. But given the nature of the incident, SSA was accepting other types of information, such as newspaper clippings. (

Environmental Protection Agency: The EPA posted a page of frequently asked questions about what substances the EPA would test for at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. (

Internal Revenue Service: The IRS published a page containing information about any potential tax issues. The IRS also posted notices to its New York City employees. (