OMB to grade management

Agencies will be graded on the governmentwide goals laid out in the president's management agenda

The President's Management Agenda

The Office of Management and Budget has developed a scorecard to rate how well agencies are meeting the governmentwide goals laid out in the President's Management Agenda.

The Executive Branch Management Scorecard will show agencies' progress in carrying out the management initiatives and where agencies score at a given time against the overall standards for success, according to an Oct. 30 OMB memo.

OMB has developed "standards for success" in each of the five governmentwide initiatives:

* Strategic management of human capital.

* Expanded electronic government.

* Competitive sourcing.

* Improved financial performance.

* Budget and performance integration.

The scorecard will give agencies the following scores: green for success, yellow for mixed results and red for unsatisfactory.

To achieve success in expanding e-government, for instance, an agency must have all major information technology projects operating within 90 percent of cost, schedule and performance targets, in addition to meeting other criteria.

OMB plans to complete baseline assessments by the end of the month and will use the information when evaluating agencies' fiscal 2003 budget requests.

"This should allow for a presentation of the overall scorecard to the president in early December," OMB Director Mitchell Daniels Jr. said in the memo.

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