Alston retires from FSS

Carolyn Alston will join the Washington Management Group in March

Federal Supply Service

Carolyn Alston, the General Services Administration Federal Supply Service's assistant commissioner for acquisition, last month retired from the federal government and will join the Washington Management Group Inc. in March 2002.

According to a statement, Alston will serve as general counsel and senior adviser at the Washington Management Group, which runs the day-to-day business of the Coalition for Government Procurement, an industry group representing federal contractors.

At FSS, Alston oversaw GSA schedule contracts, including the multibillion-dollar IT schedule. Her office also is responsible for running GSA Advantage and other online procurement sites.

When she starts with the Washington Management Group, she will join the past two assistant commissioners for acquisition, Paul Caggiano and Bill Gormley, now president and senior vice president of the group, respectively.

NEXT STORY: USDA rolls out missing link