Letter to the editor

Where is NMCI evidence?

This is in response to "Why the Cheap Shot at NMCI?"

The letter, posted Feb. 26, did little to explain how Navy Marine Corps Intranet came up with the lower cost per year. It gave no figures to prove how NMCI is cheaper, especially without rolling out all the seats for the Navy.

To refute a claim, you need to give actual evidence showing how NMCI will be cheaper for the Navy.

Without the figures to prove NMCI is cheaper, only the EDS Web site, www.eds.com/nmci, can be used as a source for actual costs for the Navy customer. We have seen recently in the national news how "accounting practices" for large corporations have not been honest.

To my knowledge, NMCI has yet to meet most milestones in the two-year life of the contract for the Navy. They have to yet cut over at the majority of the Navy test sites.

They change personnel monthly like a revolving door. The NCMI contract is another classic example of trying to do too much.

NCMI should have been used for the Navy network only. Computer hardware, security and information technology support should stay with the Navy or local contractors.

Federal Computer Week should do an in-depth report on the $6.9 billion dollar NMCI contract. You should come to a Navy test site and talk to the people and learn the truth about NMCI.

Name withheld by request


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