Letter to the editor

Job swap idea is laughable

This is in response to an FCW.com poll question March 25 to March 29 that asked: How do you feel about a proposal that would allow federal information technology managers to swap jobs with their private-sector counterparts for up to two years?

What does this hope to accomplish? You can't show a good old boy new tricks! I had to double check and make sure this was not April Fools' chicanery.

What would a manager from industry hope to learn from the feds? Possibly how they can land more contracts?

Federal managers would be eaten alive in industry. Federal managers have had all the training courses you can possibly list, and it still has not done most of them an ounce of good!

There are probably some "key" people running around stating that this is pure genius, while the rest of us are laughing. This must be the brainchild of someone who is retiring or should be retiring from public service.

Carol McCoy Federal Aviation Administration


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