Letters to the editor

ID and security suggestions

The following are responses from an FCW.com poll question that asked: Do you support giving feds smart ID cards with biometric data, such as fingerprints, for building security?

I think that we should also embrace the use of biometric security in our portable computing devices. It may not cut down on theft, but it will discourage the fact that sensitive information may get into the public sector when a portable device is stolen or lost.

Gary Dresner

Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation


It is high time that federal agencies adopt a single, uniform approach to force protection/building security. The technology exists, but the will doesn't, principally because everyone thinks they're just enough different.

Smart card technology combined with biometrics and connected security systems will allow positive control of access to all federal facilities based upon need.

Name withheld by request


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NEXT STORY: Emergency program moving along