Letter to the editor

Homeland checks and balances

Following is a response to an FCW.com poll question that asked, "Would the creation of a Cabinet-level department strengthen homeland security-related IT initiatives?"

My vote was yes. And the most compelling reason I can think of is that, while we are tightening security across our land and the Office of Homeland Security is working to that end, there is a great deal of overkill in many security measures.

I'm sure most people have seen it. From the length of time it takes to get on a plane now to the entering of federal and state office buildings, with still no assurance that terrorist acts won't be accomplished.

The Office of Homeland Security needs to be cabinet-level so there can be more accountability and veto authority. In addition, the director(s) should be confirmed by the Senate so that the government order of checks and balances can be reached and maintained.

Keep up the good work, Mr. President. But share the responsibility of homeland security with the other branches of government.

Richard Vaughn Disability Determination for Social Security Administration


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