Letter to the Editor

Get qualified homeland managers

Following is a response to an FCW.com poll question that asked, "Should managers joining the proposed Homeland Security Department have to reapply for their jobs?"

I do not believe that everyone moved to the Homeland Security Department should not be made to reapply. However, in determining what offices/persons should be moved into that new department, there must be every assurance made that those in place are in fact not only qualified, but also "secure" professionals. Maybe most important is the clearance process, which many have yet to go through.

Name withheld by request


I think they should reapply for the positions in homeland security. It's a new job, and you should have to reapply. Basically, those who are being chosen for those positions have no idea what they are supposed to do or have no background. They may act like they know what's going on. In reality, they don't know enough when put on paper. I know I work with several people who act like they know what's going on and in reality don't really do much. But they get the pay.

Name withheld by request


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