Eucom tabs Anteon for news site

Anteon will develop a Web site carrying news and information of interest to southeastern Europe

The U.S. European Command (Eucom) recently selected Anteon International Corp. to develop a new Web site carrying daily news and information of interest to people in southeastern European countries.

On Oct. 1, Eucom awarded Fairfax, Va.-based Anteon a five-year contract to develop and operate the new site, which will replace the command's current offering at

The new site will be published in Albanian, Bulgarian, English, Greek, Macedonian, Romanian, Serbian and Turkish languages, and is scheduled for completion in late November, according to an Anteon spokesman.

Joseph Kampf, Anteon president and chief executive, said the new contract, which is valued at $10.5 million if all options are exercised, affirms Anteon's current support work on Balkan Times.

NEXT STORY: Letter to the editor