Letters to the editor

A matter of degree

Much ado is being made lately about a senior information technology official in the Homeland Security Department allegedly padding her resume with degrees from a diploma mill. In particular, DHS has been taken to task for not checking her references before hiring her. ["Callahan put on leave"]

Perhaps DHS didn't feel a need to investigate thoroughly because she was previously a deputy chief information officer in the Labor Department. However, I haven't seen any news reports where Labor is being asked why they didn't check her references, just DHS.

Also, none of the news has so far mentioned whether or not she was effective in her previous jobs, which may be why DHS wanted to hire her.

I'm not in favor of resume padding or diploma mills. They cheapen the whole system. However, a degree isn't necessarily a good indicator of anything other than academic ability. People should be judged by their performance, not whether or not they had the time or money to get an accredited master's degree or Ph.D.

Ultimately, while I believe life experience and native ability should count for something, I also believe the only school that we should credit for it is the School of Hard Knocks.

Dale Long
Homeland Security Department


Indeed! A member of the U.S. House of Representatives (Tom Davis, R-Va.) does not know if it is illegal or improper to embellish a resume and has to ask the Office of Personnel Management for clarification?

This is an outrage! Rep. Davis, I question your credentials and common sense if you even entertain such a question!

Ivan S. White


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