Navy picks competitors for logistics support

Navy picks three vendors for a joint IT logistics management project with the Air Force

Naval Air Systems Command (Navair) last week selected three vendors to compete on a new joint Navy-Air Force information technology program focused on logistics management.

Dynamics Research Corp., BearingPoint Inc. and Logtec Inc. were selected as prime contractors to support numerous Navy and Air Force logistics centers in acquisition management, contract planning, program management, systems engineering and risk management services.

The blanket purchase agreements, which were awarded June 12, are for five base years and four option years, with the total value estimated at $49 million.

The three prime contractors will compete for task orders, which will be awarded on a "best value" basis, according to a spokesperson for Dynamics Research Corp. Activity is expected to begin in July or August.

The contracts support Navair Industrial Operations Competency, all naval aviation depots, the Air Force Materiel Command, Air Force air logistics centers and the Joint Defense Department Manufacturing Resource Planning Program Office.

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