Firm hires former INS exec

A former INS official has joined SI International, leading the company's homeland security efforts

A former federal official has joined SI International to guide the company's homeland security efforts.

Mike Becraft, former acting deputy commissioner of the former Immigration and Naturalization Service is now the information technology firm's senior vice president for homeland security.

Becraft will report directly to the firm's president and chief operating officer, Brad Antle.

Becraft helped in the transition of INS as it moved from the Justice Department to the Homeland Security Department, according to SI's announcement this morning. He helped guide the development of the agency's entry/exit system, the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System, and the Enterprise Architecture plan.

"We are excited about Mike Becraft leading our efforts to support the increasing demands in the homeland security market and to oversee ongoing relationships with our clients," Antle said in a statement. "Mike understands firsthand the mission-critical homeland security needs and where information technology can be effectively applied.

"He will play a key role in strengthening the company's ability to support the federal agencies."

NEXT STORY: System pushes emergency alerts