Bids sought for asset sale program

The GSA has started the search for a way to let agencies easily and efficiently dispose of property.

Federal Asset Sales site

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This week the General Services Administration released its final request for proposals on the first phase of the Federal Asset Sales e-government initiative. It officially kicks off the search for a way to let agencies easily and efficiently dispose of property.

The GSA-led interagency team expects to award the $500 million, two-year contract — with three additional option periods, the first for two years and the last two for three — by Nov. 18. This initial RFP focuses on what GSA describes as personal property, essentially everything except for land, buildings or financial assets. Eventually, the e-gov initiative will include all types of assets.

Federal officials want to create a central service aggregator official to oversee online and in-person sales. The vendor team must handle everything, including storage, refurbishing, catalog listings and the auctions.

Proposals are due back to GSA by Oct. 6.

In a change from the draft RFP, vendors can choose one of two pricing models: a traditional fee-for-service structure or an alternate incentive-aligned structure in which the vendor takes a percentage of sale proceeds. But GSA wants agencies to get the highest return possible instead of a return of less than 2 percent of the original cost, as was the case for one agency studied by the GSA team.

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