Justice renews Web use monitor

DOJ will keep using Wavecrest's Cyfin Reporter software to track employees' Web surfing.

The Justice Department will continue to monitor employee Internet use with Wavecrest Computing's Cyfin Reporter software.

For the second year, DOJ officials will use the software to try to stop misuse of the Internet by the department's 100,000 users. Justice first purchased the software in 2002 through a General Services Administration schedule. The renewal cost the department $36,000, according to the company.

Wavecrest monitors Internet use and automatically tracks compliance with the organization's policy. The software creates categorized reports on Web use by user, group or entire organization, the company said.

"DOJ set rigorous standards for accuracy, performance and scalability in an Internet monitoring software product," said Dennis McCabe, Wavecrest's vice president of business development. "We're very pleased to have implemented Cyfin so successfully."

Wavecrest is based in Melbourne, Fla., and the Internet monitoring software is currently installed in more than 2,000 businesses and government organizations worldwide, according to the company.