Inside enterprise content management

A suite for it has at least five parts.

Some of the key components of an enterprise content management suite:

Document security.

Only authorized personnel gain check-in or check-out privileges for individual

documents. Audit tools keep track of who revised documents and when. Additionally, such systems

can restrict who can publish content to Web sites or intranets.

Content distribution.

Replace paper documents with electronic memos, reports, manuals, and other documents sent to Web sites, intranets or e-mail inboxes.

Workflow management.

Automatically route new or revised documents to the appropriate people to keep projects on track during the editing, reviewing, approval and publishing stages.

Web conversion services.

With standard templates, noninformation technology people can create documents that are automatically converted to proper formats for Web publishing.


Virtual workgroups provide an online work space where people from different departments

can meet to complete projects.

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