Smart card handbook updated

The General Services Administration and the Smart Card Interagency Advisory Board issued a revised smart card handbook.

Federal Smart Card Handbook

The General Services Administration and the Smart Card Interagency Advisory Board issued a revised smart card handbook last week, intended to share lessons learned and provide guidance to federal agencies considering smart card deployment.

"This guidance handbook is the result of government experience gained over the past several years with smart card programs that include many smart card implementations, pilots, and projects conducted throughout the federal government," writes William Holcomb, Office of Governmentwide Policy at the GSA.

Smart cards are the foundation for government programs as the Defense Department's Common Access Card, the Defense Cross-Credentialing System and other card-based identity systems.

The military accounts for 3.5 million out of 4 million total cards issued by the federal government, according to the handbook's introduction.

The 264-page handbook updates a document issued by the GSA in 2000. Consulting firm and systems integrator BearingPoint Inc. prepared the new handbook under a $169,000 contract from the GSA.

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