Cooperation, wireless, top NASCIO agenda

Wireless interoperability and intergovernmental cooperation are among the top issues that state CIOs plan to discuss with members of Congress this week.


Wireless communications interoperability and intergovernmental cooperation are among the top issues that state chief information officers plan to discuss with members of Congress in Washington, D.C. this week.

CIOs from 15 states are participating in the National Association of State CIOs' fourth annual fly-in. They have a number of state information technology issues that they plan to bring up, including:

The lack of state cybersecurity planning in the Homeland Security Department's preparedness plans.

The need for federal agencies to help and support state enterprise architecture efforts through funding and coordination of standards and methodologies.

The removal of barriers to multiagency and multigovernment programs put in place because of federal funding requirements.

The impact on state budgets and plans from federal privacy requirements.

The meetings will culminate June 3 with a half-day roundtable among federal, state and local IT officials. This year, the roundtable will focus on the role of state CIOs in achieving wireless interoperability, which is one of the top issues across all levels of government, particularly in the law enforcement and homeland security arenas. Officials will examine how to develop intergovernmental partnerships and strategies, and establish specific short- and long-term plans and architecture guidelines, according to NASCIO officials.

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